Web Portal - Elliniko Metro A.E.

Press Releases

THESSALONIKI METRO – The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in a working session at Thessaloniki Metro Premises

The Deputy Minister for Infrastructures, Transport and Networks Mr. Ioannis Mangriotis participated in a working session held today at the premises of ATTIKO Metro in Thessaloniki in the presence of Thessaloniki Metro Manager Mr.G. Konstantinidis, the CW Supervising Engineer Mr. J. Vacalopoulos and of other officials; the agenda of the…
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THESSALONIKI METRO – The Thessaloniki Regional Vice Governor and the Regional Councilors visited various Metro Worksites

The worksites of EFKLIDIS and AGHIA SOFIA stations of Thessaloniki Metro currently under construction were visited today by a group of Councilors of the Central Macedonia District, headed by Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Regional Vice Governor of Thessaloniki and Mr. Michael Tzollas, Chairman of Thessaloniki Metropolitan Group (Mitropolitiki Enotita Thessalonikis). The…
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ATHENS METRO – SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT ENTITLED “Signaling System for the Athens Metro Extensions”

Further to the political resolution of the subject issue, a contract was signed today between ATTIKO METRO S.A. and SIEMENS A.G. amounting to 41.5 million EURO concerning the installation of the singaling system on the Metro extensions to Haidari, Anthoupoli and Elliniko. ATTIKO METRO S.A. was represented by Mr. Christos…
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THESSALONIKI METRO – Signing of a supplementary contract for the execution of archaeological works at Thessaloniki Metro

The supplementary contract for an amount up to 41.8 million Euro was signed today between ATTIKO METRO S.A. and the Contractor of Thessaloniki Metro, pertaining to the execution of the remaining archaeological works. Thessaloniki Metro Department commits itself to sparing no effort towards the prompt execution of the remaining archaeological…
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MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT & NETWORKS – Conclusion of the Contract “Signaling System of the Athens Metro New Extensions”

On the basis of the program statements of the Government and further to the discussions held in the Parliamentary Committee of Financial Affairs on 17.01.2012, as well as in the Special Parliamentary Permanent Committee on Institutions and Transparency on 07.02.2012, the Minister of Infrastructures, Transport and Networks Mr. M. Voridis…
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Ministry of Infrastructure Transport & Networks – Presentation of the Contract signed by ATTIKO METRO S.A. for the “LINE 3 EXTENSION, HAIDARI-PIRAEUS SECTION” to the responsible Parliamentary Committee

The financial affairs Parliamentary Committee received today an update by the Minister of POMEDY Mr. M. Voridis, the Deputy Minister Mr. G. Mangriotis and the ATTIKO METRO S.A. Chairman of the BoD and Managing Director Mr. C. Tsitouras concerning the Project entitled “LINE 3 EXTENSION, HAIDARI-PIRAEUS SECTION”, estimated budget 725…
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