- Kritis shaft: The works for the construction of forepoles have been completed.
- NOMARCHIA Station: The works for the construction of the platform are in progress.
- KALAMARIA Station: Waterproofing works, as well as works for the permanent lining of the east access and pits, are in progress.
- ARETSOU Station: In progress are the following works: installation of doors at levels -1 and -2, painting works at level -2, as well as E/M installation works (hydraulic installations).
- Pontou shaft: The works for the construction of the perimeter permanent lining of the waterproofing system are in progress.
- NEA KRINI Station: The installation of cladding using ceramic tiles at level -1 is at an advanced stage.
- MIKRA Station (& crossovers): The backfilling of the roof slab at the Station, as well as at the 2nd crossover, is at an advanced stage. The installation of doors at the Station and the 2nd Crossover is under completion.
- Forestation: The configuration of the surrounding area is at an advanced stage.