- NOMARCHIA Station (Station and Crossover): In progress are works for the installation of industrial roller shutters, stainless steel balustrades and cabling installation works in the escalators. In the area of the crossover, in progress are works for the construction of sewage network, painting works and works for the installation of the fire detection network.
- KALAMARIA Station: In progress are works for the installation of industrial roller shutters, works for the installation of Inergen cylinders for the automatic fire fighting system and works for the installation of the fire fighting system.
- ARETSOU Station: In progress are cabling works in the escalators, as well as earthing works, piping and grids installation works in the area of PPC substation.
- NEA KRINI Station: Completed is the installation of LAS transformers, while in progress are cabling and cladding works in the escalators.
- MICRA Station (Station and Crossovers): In progress are works for the installation of the automatic fire extinguishing system in the Station area.
In progress are works for the installation of the fire-fighting system in mezzanine 2/ track 1 and works for the installation of electrical trays, cabling works and earthing works in mezzanine 4/ track 2. Moreover, in progress are concreting works in the turnout / crossover slab / and works for the installation of R100/500 turnouts in the Forestation area.