New Metro Line 4, Section Α‘ – Alsos Veikou – Goudi
In the framework of the works for the construction of DIKASTIRIA Station in the new Athens Metro Line 4 – Section A: Alsos Veikou – Goudi, the preliminary works have already commenced for the execution of works for the relocation of the significant Public Utility Organization networks crossing the cut and cover section of the subject station (Medium and Low Voltage – DEDDHE, EYDAP, OTE).
In view of the above, it is imperative to proceed with the introduction of temporary traffic arrangements in the proximity of the worksite. Traffic arrangements will apply as of the morning of Tuesday August 9th 2022.
It is noted that in the preparation of the study for the temporary traffic arrangements special care has been taken so as to minimize the disturbance to be inevitably generated in the greater area and to keep – to the extent possible- streets open to circulation, ensuring the supply of shops, loading–unloading of vehicles, the operation of controlled parking zones, OASA -TAXI stops and the access of the permanent residents throughout the period when such arrangements will apply.
Kindly be informed that the implementation of the temporary Traffic Arrangements regarding the relocation of the PUO networks in DIKASTIRIA Station will be effected in seven (7) successive phases, as these are mentioned here-below, with phase 1 to commence on Tuesday August 9th 2022, while the anticipated duration for the completion of all pertinent works will be approximately 4 months.
In detail:
Phase 1: Occupation of the right lane of Moustoxydi Street from Evelpidon up to Bousgou Streets to the direction of Leoforos Alexandras Avenue, for the execution of works related to the relocation of the DEDDHE Medium Voltage network.
No impact on the circulation of vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Phase 2: Occupation of Moustoxydi Street left lane (45 meters) near its junction with Bousgou Street.
No impact on the circulation of vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 1 week.
Phase 3: Occupation of Valtinon Street right lane (50 meters) near its junction with Moustoxydi Street in the traffic lane of Moustoxydi Street towards Evelpidon Street, from Valtinon Street to Evelpidon Street and occupation of Evelpidon Street right lane (45 meters) at its junction with Moustoxydi Street in the traffic lane towards Polygono. During the implementation of this traffic arrangement, the circulation of private vehicles and means of public transport on Moustoxydi Street with direction to Evelpidon Street will be interrupted and be diverted to its opposite traffic lane with direction to Leoforos Alexandras Avenue, which will now serve both traffic directions of Moustoxydi Street with one traffic lane per direction. During the traffic arrangements of the current phase, works related to the relocation of EYDAP water supply network will be carried out. Duration: 8 weeks.
Phase 4: Occupation of part of the right lane of Evelpidon Street (50 meters) between Chr. Mantika and Paxon Streets at the direction towards 28 October Street.
No impact on the circulation of private vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 3 – 5 days.
Phase 5: Occupation of part of the left lanes (45 meters) on both traffic directions of Evelpidon Street at its junction with Moustoxydi Street.
No impact on the circulation of private vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 3 – 5 days.
Phase 6: Occupation of part of the right lanes (45 meters) on both traffic directions of Evelpidon Street between Argostoliou and Chr. Mantika Streets at the direction towards 28 October Street and between Moustoxydi and Chr. Mantika Streets at the direction towards Polygono.
No impact on the circulation of private vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 3 – 5 days.
Phase 7: Occupation of part of the left lanes on both traffic directions of Evelpidon Street between Argostoliou and Chr. Mantika Streets at the direction towards 28 October Street and between Moustoxydi and Chr. Mantika Streets at the direction towards Polygono.
No impact on the circulation of private vehicles and OASA trips.
Duration: 1 week.
Throughout the duration of the works, ATTIKO METRO S.A and the work crews of the contracting Joint Venture ERETVO S.A. will be at the disposal of the residents and businesses.
ATTIKO METRO S.A. would like to extent its appreciation for the understanding of the public and to request the cooperation of the citizens in view of the smooth progress and completion of this major Project that will significantly upgrade the quality of life in the city of Athens.