- Kritis Shaft: In progress are street level reinstatement works, as well as works related to the installation of skirting.
- NOMARCHIA Station: In progress are granite installation works in the staircases entrances, as well as works for the installation of Platform Screen Doors (PSDs).
- ARETSOU Station: In progress are preliminary works for the installation of PSDs, works for filling the central island with plant earth, as well as works for the installation of trays and earthing at track level.
- NEA KRINI Station: In progress are works for the installation of fiber cement boards at level -1 and at the platform level, as well as works for the installation of trays and earthing at track level.
- MIKRA Station: In progress are works for the installation of fiber cement boards at level -1, works for the installation of tiles and cement mortar paving at the platform level.
In progress are works for the installation of electrical trays and trays earthing at interstation 3, track 2.