ELLINIKO METRO S.A. has received the Certification for the implementation of the Management System, per Standards EN ISO 9001:2015 and ΕΝ ISO 14001:2015, by QMCERT Third Party Inspection Body & Management Systems Certification.
This certification also confirms the high level of management competence of ELLINIKO METRO S.A. in the implementation of the project and its objectives.
The QMSCERT certification acknowledges the effectiveness and management competence of the company “in the planning, design, development, organization, management, execution, supervision and control of the fixed track network projects in urban environment (except for OSE network), in the implementation of urban interventions, the preparation of designs and the provision of services to third parties in Greece and abroad” as well as “in the scheduling, planning, maturing, conduct of tenders, monitoring, management, certification of the physical scope and financial management of co-funded and non co-funded projects”.