In the framework of the European Research & Innovation Program “HORIZON 2020”, approval was granted to the funding of the Research Project RESOLUTE (RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization applied to Urban Transport Environment), in which ATTIKO METRO participates as a fellow. The Project pertains to the Resilience and improved Management of Critical Infrastructures, such as the Urban Transport Systems, especially under conditions of Crisis and Disasters, its total budget rises to 3.85 million Euro and its duration is 36 months. The main objective of the ATTIKO METRO participation is the optimum management of the Metro network in the event of services shutdown / resuming due to unforeseeable circumstances, as well as the minimization of the impact on the Athens Transport system, by examining alternative scenarios of passengers handling in cases of emergency
The coordinating entity is the University of Florence, while the entities mentioned below are also participating as fellows:
Florence Municipality, Swarco Mizar spa, Consortio Milano Ricerche, Thales Italia spa, (Italy), Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germany), Humanist (France), National Center for Research and Technological Development (Greece), Associacao para o Desenvolvimento da Investigacao no Instituto Superior de Gestao (Portugal).