AM invites all qualified companies to submit their offer for the Tender: “SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF COMPENSATION SYSTEMS IN LIGHTING AND AUXILIARY SUPPLY (LAS) SUBSTATIONS FOR THE ATHENS METRO” (RFP – 170/07).
Company Title, Address, Phone and Fax Numbers of the Authority issuing the Invitation to Tender
191-193 Messogion Avenue
115 25 Athens
Scope of the Tender
The scope of the Tender is related to the Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of capacitor based Compensation Systems for all fourteen Substations of the Athens Metro extensions and namely the following Substations: Stavros Depot, Doukissis Plakentias Station, Halandri Station, Aghias Paraskevi Station, Nomismatokopio Station, Xanthou Shaft, Aghios Dimitrios (Panagouli) Station, Trumpet Shaft, Aghios Antonios Station, Monastiraki Station, Keramikos Station, Geoponiki Shaft, Eleonas Station and Egaleo Station.
Tender Documents
The Tender Documents are as follows:
- The Financial Offer Form.
- The Invitation with its appendices and any eventual Clarifications Document.
- The Conditions of Contract.
- The Technical Specifications.
The documents are available from Monday December 10th 2007 until Friday January 25th 2008, on a daily basis till 15:00 p.m. against the amount of 100 euros.
All interested parties can obtain the aforementioned Documents at the address stated in item (1) above.
Eligible to participate
Companies, either individually or as members of consortia/joint ventures, possessing the experience stipulated in the said Tender Documents as well as the formal qualifications/legalization data and the credit and financial capacity for the said Supply, as provided for in detail in the Document of the Invitation to Tender, are eligible to participate in the tender.
In order to prove their experience for the workmanlike and prompt execution of the Scope of the Supply, all Bidders ought to submit:
- A list of Supply Contracts, of similar nature and degree of difficulty in relation to the one put to tender executed during the last five years (2003-2007).
- Technical competence data, as provided for in detail in the Document of the Invitation.
Tender conduct process
A Tender based on the open procedure will be conducted with a previous summary publication in the Greek Press.
Offer Submission Procedure
Each bidding company will submit a sealed offer including three (3) main, separate and well-sealed Sub-envelopes A,B, C as follows:
- Sub-envelope A- Formal Qualifications and Legalization Data.
- Sub-envelope B- Substantial Qualifications.
- Sub-envelope C- Financial Offer.
Criterion of the award of the Tender
The lowest offer price will be the criterion for the award of the Contract.
Offer submission Date
The deadline for the submission of Offers expires on Friday February 1st 2008 at 15:00 p.m.
Letters of Guarantee
- Upon submission of the offer it is required to deposit a bank letter of guarantee for the participation to the Tender for the amount of 6, 187, 00 euros.
- For the conclusion of the contract, it is required that the Contractor submit a good performance letter of guarantee amounting to 10% of the total budget of the Supply (including contingencies), which shall be necessarily in compliance with the sample to be provided by the Service.
Duration of the Contract
The deadline for the completion of the scope of the Contract is set to 750 calendar days upon conclusion of the Contract.
Estimated Budget
The pre-estimated Total Lump Sum Price of the Supply -based on which a Financial Offer will be submitted by the bidders- amounts to 269,000 euros (without contingencies, price revision and VAT).
Cancellation of the Tender
ATTIKO METRO S.A. reserves the right to annul or cancel this tender in all cases described in detail in the Invitation to Tender.