- At Mikras Asias street, in progress are the works for the construction of the tramway corridor at Papandreou Bridge.
- At Grigoriou Lambraki street, the construction of the tramway corridor from the U-turn up to Venizelou Street, along with the urban planning of Lambraki and Evangelistrias stops are completed. The construction of the tramway corridor from Venizelou to Vass. Georgiou streets and the urban planning works at remaining part of the adjacent sidewalk in this area are in progress.
- At Vas. Georgiou street, the urban planning works at the adjacent sidewalk have been completed, and in progress are the works for PUO networks (vertical PPC trenches), the works for the relocation of the rainwater drainage pipe at V. Georgiou and Athn. Antistasseos junction and the works for the construction of the tramway corridor. In additions, in progress are the archaeological excavations from Praxitelous to Iroon Polytechniou Street.
- At Ethnikis Antistaseos street, in progress are the works for the construction of the tramway corridor from Ippodameias street up to Tsamadou street, as well as the urban planning works at the adjacent sidewalk. In additions, the work for the construction of Ippodameias stop have commenced.
- At Omiridou Skylitsi street, in progress are the works for the construction of the tramway corridor and the re-construction of the stop.
(The reference “opposite” and “adjacent sidewalks” is related to the Tramway traffic).