The Expansion to Kalamaria, which is already in an advanced construction phase, includes 5 new Stations (Nomarchia, Kalamaria, Aretsou, Nea Krini and Mikra) located along an underground line 4.78 km long. It is expected that upon completion of the project, the daily ridership shall rise to 63,000 passengers. In addition and as a result of the project’s operation, the number of the circulating private vehicles shall be reduced by approximately 12,000 vehicles / day, and the respecting CO2 emissions shall be reduced by 43 tons per day. The distance between Mikra Station and the center of the city shall be covered in just 15 minutes This project will undoubtedly upgrade Kalamaria Municipality in terms of transport services and the environment, while it shall also substantially improve the quality of the citizens’ daily lives.